Friday, May 31, 2013

Moving Right Along

This is me this week. . but with a bandana and more marks of strenuous work radiating from my face.

Tomorrow is phase one of our move!

We are taking all our stuff up to Virginia tomorrow to check out our new digs. Then we'll be back at Grandma's until the end of June and commence Phase Two: Total Relocation.

I just wanted to justify my two post week. I've had lots of really good thoughts, but I've been too busy cleaning/mopping/packing to do anything with them. This is, I must say, our most organized move ever. My back is sore from mentally patting it myself many times the last few days.

And how are we all feeling about this move? Let's check the polls:

Patriarch: Peaceful and excited
Matriarch: Excited, terrified, sad, excited, and a little bit of disbelief thrown in because this is crazy that we are doing this!!
Oldest Offspring: Thrilled to be going somewhere with rivers, waterfalls, and mountains
Middle Offspring: Detests this idea and is currently fielding applications of potential adoptive families in NC.
Youngest Offspring: Asks every day if we are going to Virginia. . so I think she's okay with it.

I should be back to regular schedule (even though I don't actually have one of those yet) by next Tuesday. Don't give up on me!!

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